Here is video number five in my series on younger CDs and
sissies. The reason I'm posting these is because a lot of us
started trying on girl's clothes it seems at mostly around 10
to 14 years old. I have heard of stories of boys starting a lot
younger and also grown men have started at various ages for
different reasons. But, most of the stories I have heard
involve a boy sneaking into his mother's or sister's room and
feeling the lingerie, and before you know it they are trying
it own. In my case, I started noticing how girls dressed at about
eight or nine when I first had a kind of "sexual" feeling for a
girl. I just thought they were pretty before, but suddenly I was
noticing what they were wearing as much as what they looked
like. I can remember being with at boy 2 or 3 years older than
me when I was nine or ten years old. We were at this baseball
field, and it backed up to a play ground separated by a bunch of
trees and bushes. He was "in love" with this one girl, who
happened to be playing over at the play ground and kept saying
he wanted to hide in the bushes so he could spy on her and
look at her. Well, I finally gave in a we went over and laid down
under some bushes so we could see her. He started talking about
how cute she was and she had blonde hair and had it in a pony tail
and he liked that. But, then he said something that really got my
attention. He said, " just look at those tight red girl's shorts and her
white blouse she has on'. And he said, "I think she is wearing a bra
cause you could kinda see the outline of something under her kinda
thin material her blouse was made of. Well, that really got my
attention and I started really looking. I liked the red and white colors
and the way her clothes fit her. Suddenly, I had a strange tingle
in my pants and my cock was getting hard as I looked at her little
outfit. A wave of new feelings kinda washed over me, and I wondered
to myself what it would be like to wear her clothes. That was the
moment in time where I changed from being comfortable in boys
to wanting to know how it would feel to be in girls clothes. I had
this kind of girlly feeling and I liked it. Well, three days pasted by,
and I was finally home alone. I just crept into my sisters room and
went to where she kept her bras and panties. I opened the draw and
pulled out a bra and pair of panties. And, before you know it I was
stripping off my boy clothes and slipped on the bra and panties. A
of girlly pleasure engulfed me. It was at that moment I fell in love with
new girly feeling and my cock was harder than ever before.
That experience changed me forever and now I'm a complete
crossdressing sissy fag. Suck Cock!